Cancellation and Refund Policy

1. Order Cancellation:

  • Orders can be canceled within 48 hours if the items have not yet been shipped.
  • If the order has been shipped, shipping and administrative fees will be deducted from the refund amount.


2. Refund Policy:

  • Refunds will be processed within 14 business days after the cancellation request is accepted.
  • Refunds will be issued using the original payment method.


3. Cancellation of Custom Orders:

  • Custom or special orders cannot be canceled once confirmed and production or shipping has commenced.


4. Cancellation by HMR-Trading:

  • HMR-Trading reserves the right to cancel any order due to product unavailability or payment issues. The customer will be notified, and any payments will be refunded promptly.


5. General Terms:

  • All cancellation requests must be submitted via email to
  • HMR-Trading is not responsible for any delays or losses resulting from cancellations initiated by the customer.